Prices & Forms

Each class has 2 sprint races, most people sign up for 2 classes and get 4 sprint races

G&J / Wilmington

All you can race $80 As many classes as you can race for one low price!


All you can race $110 As many classes as you can race for one low price!

Gate Fees

G&J / Wilmington $10

Track Insurance

PIRC $15

Transponder (Required)

Rental $10

All rental transponders are the property of the OMRL and must be returned in a timely manner at the completion of racing. By renting a transponder from the OMRL the renter is responsible for the timely return of the rented transponder. If a transponder is not returned by the renter, the renter must immediately notify the OMRL and return the transponder by mail. Non-return of rental transponders will result in a $400 replacement fee.

License Fees

Single Race $10
Season License $60
